
March 28, 2014
Univ of Denver Law / SALT BA to JD Pipeline Today

Thanks to Randy Wagner, Dean Marty Katz, and the wonderful faculty and staff of the Sturm College of Law in Denver for hosting SALT and the seventh B.A. to J.D. Pipeline. After some great introductions we are listening to Dean Camille Nelson, a powerful advocate for modern diversity, who is…

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March 25, 2014
BDS: Non-Violent Resistance to Israeli Occupation

By Marjorie Cohn Thanks to Scarlett Johansson, the American Studies Association (ASA), and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement has entered our national discourse. Representatives of Palestinian civil society launched BDS in 2005, calling upon “international civil society organizations and people of conscience…

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March 24, 2014
Save Sriracha: Save a Beloved Hot Sauce from Smelly Politics

By Ernesto Hernandez-Lopez Local politics in California has ignited fear for fans of Sriracha, an extremely popular hot sauce, created for pho, a Vietnamese soup, and now fancied for Asian, taco and fusion dishes, sushi and street food. Celebrities, home chefs, even workers from…

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March 19, 2014
Tenure Standard 405 Remains

Dear SALT members: At its meeting over the weekend in San Diego, the Council of the American Bar Association Section on Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar (“Council”)  declined to make any changes to the current law school accreditation standard, Standard 405, which requires that each ABA-accredited law school…

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February 11, 2014
Calls for Papers / Conferences

Email Blake Johnson, BJohnson@saltlaw.org to post conferences and papers. LAW STUDENT PAPERS: 2015 International Association of Judges Student Writing Competition Do you know someone who is excelling in law school? We’re looking for young advocates for the LGBT community who are interested in pursuing a career on the…

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January 10, 2014
Justice Scalia: Unlikely Gay-Rights Antihero

By Mitchell Silverman An antihero, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, is “One who is the opposite or reverse of a hero; esp. a chief character in a poem, play, or story who is totally unlike a conventional hero.” Since 2003, legal restrictions on gay rights have been falling like…

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December 7, 2013
More from the University of Puerto Rico School of Law

Long-time SALT member Margaret Montoya, Emeritus Professor at University of New Mexico and Senior Advisor to Executive Vice President for UNM Health Sciences Center speaks to the professionals gathered in concurrent programming, discussing the legal market, law schools, and the need for public interest attorneys and the students who can…

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December 7, 2013
SALT at University of Puerto Rico School of Law

Reporting in directly from the University of Puerto Rico, Escuela de Derecho, we are currently joining NEPOC and hosting a panel with Judge Jenny Rivera, Roberto Colon from the Hispanic National Bar Association, Rafael Cancel from the Nat’l Association of Environmental Law, Charles Hey-Maestre from Puerto Rico Legal Services, William…

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November 5, 2013
2014 SALT Teaching Conference

Legal Education in a Time of Change: Challenges and Opportunities, Registration Open

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November 5, 2013

SALT turned 40 at NYU's Kimmel Center inspired with Holly Maguigan and Florence Roisman

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September 18, 2013
Friend of the Court Brief Filed in Schuette Case

Special Thanks to Crowell & Moring, Pro Bono Counsel

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September 4, 2013
A Reflection on the Movie SALT OF THE EARTH

Salt of the Earth is a story about low wage labor, workers fighting for unions, women fighting for a place outside of the home and finding their political voice, and it’s about the 1950s racial hostility of Anglos toward Mexican-Americans.  Because these issues about work, gender, race and social power…

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August 31, 2013
An Obscene American Leadership Double Standard

By Benjamin G. Davis, Associate Professor of Law, University of Toledo College of Law Syria and chemical weapons killing by Assad of nearly 1500: “There must be accountability.” http://m.csmonitor.com/World/terrorism-security/2013/0827/Kerry-says-there-must-be-accountability-for-Syria Bush torture and lying America into the War in Iraq with over 100 000 dead Iraqis, 4500 dead Americans and 30000…

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August 27, 2013
50th Anniversary of the March on Washington: A Glimpse of American Beauty

A dropbox of photos also – https://www.dropbox.com/sc/ovmhpoq262czrtz/dt5DhvJTcc By Benjamin G. Davis, Associate Professor of Law, University of Toledo College of Law My late father went to the March on Washington in 1963 and did not allow my sister or me to go for fear of violence.  With my son…

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August 16, 2013
(Update) 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington: Who Will Help Carry the SALT Banner Fighting for Social Justice and Educational Access?

By Benjamin G. Davis, Associate Professor of Law, University of Toledo College of Law Dear Law Colleagues: At the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington on Saturday, August 24, 2013 who is going to help carry the SALT who will help carry the SALT banner fighting for social justice and…

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August 16, 2013
Tenure and Class Size

By Benjamin G. Davis, Associate Professor of Law, University of Toledo College of Law All have seen the reports that the ABA Council of the Section of the Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar embraced on August 9, 2013 two plans that would eliminate tenure as…

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August 11, 2013
The Struggle Continues: Seeking Compensation for Vietnamese Agent Orange Victims, 52 Years On

By Marjorie Cohn and Jeanne Mirer Today marks the 52nd anniversary of the start of the chemical warfare program in Vietnam, a long time with NO sufficient remedial action by the U.S. government. One of the most shameful legacies of the American War against Vietnam, Agent Orange continues to…

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August 11, 2013
Unrelenting Sadness About Guantanamo

Benjamin G. Davis, Associate Professor of Law, University of Toledo College of Law Earlier today I participated in a presentation on my experience as an observer at Guantanamo.  Along with a colleague who had observed the 9/11 Military Commission at the session that followed the one I went to in…

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August 10, 2013
Bradley Manning's Revelations Saved Lives

By Marjorie Cohn This is a historic verdict. Judge Denise Lind correctly found Bradley Manning not guilty of aiding the enemy because the evidence failed to establish that Manning knew information he provided to WikiLeaks would reach al-Qaida. A conviction of aiding the enemy would have sent a chilling…

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July 26, 2013
A gay-marriage ban with limits

Jackie Gardina is a professor at Vermont Law School. Her writings on same-sex marriage include “Same-Sex Marriage in Bankruptcy: A Path Out of the Public Policy Quagmire” and “The Perfect Storm: Bankruptcy, Choice of Law and Same-Sex Marriage.” For those couples living in the 36 states that prohibit same-sex marriages,…

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