Equalizers and Salary Surveys

2021 Salary Survey

Survey Information and Methodology

SALT is delighted to present the 2019-20 SALT Salary Survey, our annual survey of academic
year law faculty salaries. The survey, conducted by SALT Co-Presidents Catherine Grosso (Michigan State) and José R. (Beto) Juárez, Jr. (Dean, Nova Southeastern), reports the median base salaries for three faculty ranks – assistant professor, pre-tenure associate professor, and tenured professor (both associate and full) – and median summer stipends in alphabetical order by school, in seven regions.

Of the 202 surveyed schools in the U.S. and Puerto Rico, 81 law schools (40.1%) are represented in this year’s survey. This number reflects 56 law schools (27.7%%) that submitted new information for the 2019-20 academic year or for which information for the 2019-20 academic year is available online, in addition to 25 law schools that reported information for one of the three most recent surveys (academic year 2015- 16, 2017-18, or 2018-19; the survey was on hiatus for the 2016-17 academic year).

For those 25 schools, we have reported the most recent data on record, with a note indicating the year for which the information was reported.

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