Salt Blog

December 10, 2014
American Thugs in American Democracy: This is what American Official Torture looks like

By Benjamin G. Davis, Associate Professor of Law, University of Toledo College of Law, Advocates for US Torture Prosecutions We now have the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Executive Summary of its Torture Report and for those who actually care about America, it is a nearly 600 page litany of…

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December 9, 2014
(Beheading update 12/12/14) Senate Torture Report Release: We need an independent prosecutor as the crime and the coverup Continue

Benjamin G. Davis, Associate Professor of Law, University of Toledo College of Law, Advocates for US Torture Prosecutions So later this morning Senator Dianne Feinstein will release the Executive Summary of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Torture Report.  With the firestorm of news coverages these past few days, you…

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December 6, 2014
(Update – 12/7 and 8) Obama And Bush Torture Misdirection

Benjamin G Davis, Associate Professor of Law, University of Toledo College of Law, Advocates for US Torture Prosecutions Now that the former CIA leaders – thanks to Brennan – have had six months head start in preparing their vigorous public relations defense of the torture they did, please be prepared…

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December 3, 2014
Obama's Contradiction: Prosecute small town rioters but do not prosecute worldwide torturers

By Benjamin G. Davis, Associate Professor of Law, University of Toledo College of Law, Advocates for US Torture Prosecutions Talk about a double standard! Some punks experience depressive overload and riot burning property and stealing stuff from stores in a small town in America – this time Ferguson. Calls for…

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November 30, 2014
Prosecutor Manipulates Grand Jury Process to Shield Officer

By Marjorie Cohn You know the fix is in when a suspect who shot an unarmed man voluntarily provides four hours of un-cross examined testimony to a grand jury without taking the Fifth. On August 9, Ferguson, Missouri Police Officer Darren Wilson gunned down 18-year-old African American Michael Brown. Since…

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November 28, 2014
The UN CAT US Report out Today: Devastating on All Fronts of National Security

By Benjamin G. Davis, Associate Professir of Law, University of Toledo College of Law, Advocates for US Torture Prosecutions There is a tendency in legal academia to parse subjects into narrow domains. The UN Committee Against Torture’s Concluding Observations on the United States ( for the USHRN press release and a…

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November 25, 2014

November 21, 2014 The Society of American Law Teachers (SALT) calls for the upholding of the rule of law in relation to the death of Michael Brown. Michael Brown’s death and the subsequent protests in Ferguson remind us of the consequences when the community loses faith and trust in America’s…

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November 25, 2014
(Update – December 2, 2014) Rule of law?: The Charade of Video cameras and video destruction

Benjamin G. Davis, Associate Professor of Law, University of Toledo College of Law, Advocates for US Torture Prosecutions After the Ferguson non-indictment, the suggestion was made that all police should wear body cameras.  This suggestion while well-intended, gives me pause for two reasons. First, in our inimical style the proposal…

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November 24, 2014
SALT HOSTS CONVERSATION “FOCUS ON FERGUSON”: Cover Workshop, Georgetown University Law Center

Read SALT statement released November 21, 2014 on Ferguson, Missouri

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November 23, 2014
Relative Damage to the US Presidency: CIA proposed obstruction of justice

By Benjamin G. Davis, Associate Professor of Law, University of Toledo College of Law, Advocates for US Torture Prosecutions Here they go again. Do you remember Jose Rodriguez, head of the Counterrorism Center, destruction of the torture tapes in violation of the spirit at least of a federal…

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November 22, 2014
Relative Damage to the United States Presidency: Immigration Executive Order vs. Worldwide Torture Program

By Benjamin G. Davis, Associate Professor of Law, University of Toledo College of Law, Advocates for US Torture Prosecutions – transcript of the U.S. periodic review by the UN Committee Against Torture The riveting to watch video of the periodic review – Each sovereign has the…

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November 15, 2014
The LLLT Program in Washington State Progresses with a Comprehensive RPC Proposal

By Brooks Holland As many section members may know, the Washington Supreme Court in 2012 adopted a rule permitting non-lawyers to practice law as limited license legal technicians, or “LLLTs.” These LLLTs may practice law only within a limited scope of authority. For example, an LLLT may obtain…

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November 14, 2014
Beyond Elitism: Legal Education for the Public Good

By George Critchlow A Hispanic student raised in poverty in central California will be the first person in her immigrant family to graduate from college.  Her goal is to work with people of limited means on issues affecting families, communities, and employment.  She would like to be a lawyer…

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November 14, 2014
Just Sayin': The US Government Responses to the Committee Against Torture Some Good But Not Enough

Benjamin G. Davis, Associate Professor of Law, University of Toledo College of Law, Advocates for US Torture Prosecutions I. The Good News The best thing about the US presentation was the admission formally to the UN Committee Against Torture and to the world at large that the United States had…

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November 12, 2014
(Updated) Just sayin': C'mon man! Playing Family Feud With The American NewSpeak on Torture Obligations

Benjamin G. Davis, Associate Professor of Law, University of Toledo College of Law, Advocates for U.S. Torture Prosecutions “Everything must change, so that everything stays the same.” Il Gattopardo (The Leopard), Giuseppe di Lampedusa Case in point. ” In contrast to…

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November 12, 2014
Just Sayin': CAT asks about accountability for senior US officials and the lawyers

Benjamin G. Davis, Associate Professor of Law, University of Toledo College of Law, Advocates for US Torture Prosecutions From what I heard of the meeting, among other things, Committee member Mohdvig from Denmark asked the United States Government delegation about accountability for senior US officials and the lawyers with regard…

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November 12, 2014
Just Sayin: In our Generation, CAT and the Death of the Peremptory Norm Against Torture

Benjamin G. Davis, Associate Professor of Law, University of Toledo College of Law, Advocates for US Torture Prosecutions We may be witnessing the dismantling of the peremptory norm against torture. Later today, the United States periodic report will be reviewed by the UN Committee Against Torture.  We shall see whether…

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November 11, 2014
Just Sayin: CAT Calling the Torture Apologists

Benjamin G. Davis, University of Toledo College of Law, AdvCoates for US Torture Prosecutions Where is Dick Cheney filling my television with his defene of the enhanced interrogation program that we all know is torture. This week of the UN Committee Against Torture review – first since 2006 – can…

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November 11, 2014
Just Sayin: CAT and the Silence of the Press Lambs

Benjamin G. Davis, Associate Professor of Law, University of Toledo College of Law, Advocates for US Torture Prosecutions I go to my usual national security blog sites and see a silence about the UN Committee Against Torture deliberations. On television there is a local angle blurb on Michael Brown’s family…

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November 11, 2014
Just Sayin: Bush on Television, Obama in China, and the CAT in Geneva

Benjamin G. Davis, Associate Professor of Law, University of Toledo College of Law, Advcoated for US Torture Prosecutions In the week of the UN Committee Against Torture review of the United States for the first time since 2006, President Obama is out of the country, George Bush has a book…

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