Salt Blog

July 3, 2014
Harris v. Quinn: The Supreme Court Further Marginalizes Public Employees

By Ruben J. Garcia Burwell v Hobby Lobby justifiably received much attention on Monday here and throughout the Internet. The attention given to Hobby Lobby might have led some to overlook “the other 5-4 decision” yesterday that also had great implications for the rights and protections of low-wage workers, especially…

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July 3, 2014
Will Supremes Apply Cell Phone Privacy to Metadata Collection?

By Marjorie Cohn In one of the most significant Fourth Amendment rulings ever handed down by the Supreme Court, all nine justices agreed in an opinion involving two companion cases, Riley v. California and United States v. Wurie, that police generally need a warrant before reading data on the cell phone of an…

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July 2, 2014
50 years + 1: LBJ Speaking To the American Heart

Benjamin G. Davis, Associate Professor of Law, University of Toledo College of Law With a 50 year anniversary of the Civil Rights Act being celebrated today, I thought we should fast forward to this speech of LBJ that spoke of and to the American soul. I still remember hearing it…

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June 18, 2014
Third Time Is Not the Charm for Invading Iraq

By Benjamin G. Davis, Associate Professor of Law, University of Toledo College of Law Watching the pundits, it has really been quite enough finding Bush Administration retreads (and other oh so serious people) speaking with straight faces about going back into Iraq.  The current meme is that we do not…

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June 3, 2014
Nominate a Deserving Candidate, Awarded at SALT Annual Dinner

Call for Nominations: SALT Great Teacher Award and M. Shanara Gilbert Human Rights Award SALT holds an annual dinner each year during the January AALS meeting. Mark your calendars: This year the dinner will be on January 4, 2015 at a location TBA in Washington D.C. A highlight of the…

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June 2, 2014
Bond Thoughts: Federalism Aggression on Human Rights

Benjamin G. Davis, Associate Professor of Law, University of Toledo College of Law The Bond v. United States case came out today in which the Supreme Court supposedly ducked the Missouri v/ Holland question by focusing on interpreting the implementing legislation for the chemical weapons convention under federalism concerns in…

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May 23, 2014
SALT Celebrates Honorees at 2014 Annual Dinner

Enjoy photos of SALT members at NYU's Kimmel Center.

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May 19, 2014
Death to the Death Penalty

by Marjorie Cohn The recent torturous execution of Clayton Lockett in Oklahoma has propelled the death penalty into the national discourse. The secret three-drug cocktail prison authorities administered to Lockett – the first to render him unconscious, the second to paralyze him, and the third to stop his heart…

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May 12, 2014
Papers / Panel Submission Due by June 20th

Society of American Law Teachers (SALT) Teaching Conference Legal Education in a Time of Change: Challenges and Opportunities  Call for Panels and Papers  Society of American Law Teachers (SALT) Teaching Conference, in partnership with the  12th Annual LatCrit-SALT Junior Faculty Development Workshop…

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April 30, 2014
Congratulations to UHLC on appointment of Dean Len Baynes

Click here to be redirected to an announcement article on law professors immigration blog.

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April 25, 2014
Professor Margaret Kwoka Receives Inaugural SALT Junior Faculty Teaching Award

SALT is proud to announce the inaugural recipient of the Junior Faculty Teaching Award, Assistant Professor Kwoka. The award recognizes an outstanding recent entrant into legal education who demonstrates a commitment to justice, equality and academic excellence through teaching. Designed to honor an emerging teacher and support an outstanding individual…

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April 24, 2014
Announcing the Inaugural Junior Faculty Teaching Award

2014 JUNIOR FACULTY TEACHING AWARD  SALT is proud to announce the inaugural year of the Junior Faculty Teaching Award. The award recognizes an outstanding recent entrant into legal education who demonstrates a commitment to justice, equality and academic excellence through teaching. Designed to honor an emerging teacher and support an…

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April 23, 2014
Dismay Over Schuette decision

The Society of American Law Teachers (SALT) expresses dismay at the United States Supreme Court’s decision April 22, 2014 in Schuette v. Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action.  SALT filed an amicus brief supporting the Respondents to the appeal from the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, which struck down Michigan’s Proposal 2 on the…

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April 23, 2014
Equal but Separate: Schuette

By Benjamin G. Davis, Associate Professor of Law, University of Toledo College of Law, Visiting Professor Spring 2014, Albany Law School As we know, Schuette’s 6-2 boys against the girls decision came down today. A succinct description of it in the wake of Fisher is we have now moved to…

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April 7, 2014
Title VII and The Interplay of Racial and Economic Justice

Cross post from JURIST Guest Columnists Leonard M. Baynes and David L. Gregory, both of the St. John’s University School of Law, discuss the anniversary of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and the interplay of racial and economic justice … This year marks the fiftieth anniversary of the…

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April 1, 2014
(Updated 4/8/14) The Government Misled Me, not the CIA: Release SSCI CIA Torture Report and the Internal Panetta Review and let heads roll

Benjamin G. Davis, Associate Professor of Law, University of Toledo College of Law, Visiting Professor Spring 2014, Albany Law School “A report by the Senate Intelligence Committee concludes that the CIA misled the government and the public about aspects of its brutal interrogation program for years…

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March 28, 2014
Univ of Denver Law / SALT BA to JD Pipeline Today

Thanks to Randy Wagner, Dean Marty Katz, and the wonderful faculty and staff of the Sturm College of Law in Denver for hosting SALT and the seventh B.A. to J.D. Pipeline. After some great introductions we are listening to Dean Camille Nelson, a powerful advocate for modern diversity, who is…

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March 25, 2014
BDS: Non-Violent Resistance to Israeli Occupation

By Marjorie Cohn Thanks to Scarlett Johansson, the American Studies Association (ASA), and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement has entered our national discourse. Representatives of Palestinian civil society launched BDS in 2005, calling upon “international civil society organizations and people of conscience…

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March 24, 2014
Save Sriracha: Save a Beloved Hot Sauce from Smelly Politics

By Ernesto Hernandez-Lopez Local politics in California has ignited fear for fans of Sriracha, an extremely popular hot sauce, created for pho, a Vietnamese soup, and now fancied for Asian, taco and fusion dishes, sushi and street food. Celebrities, home chefs, even workers from…

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March 19, 2014
Tenure Standard 405 Remains

Dear SALT members: At its meeting over the weekend in San Diego, the Council of the American Bar Association Section on Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar (“Council”)  declined to make any changes to the current law school accreditation standard, Standard 405, which requires that each ABA-accredited law school…

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