Salt Blog

February 20, 2014
How the U.S. Turned Three Pacifists into Violent Terrorists

A piece by SALT Member, Professor Fran Quigley at In just ten months, the United States managed to transform an 82 year-old Catholic nun and two pacifists from non-violent anti-nuclear peace protestors accused of misdemeanor trespassing into federal felons convicted of violent crimes of terrorism.  Now in jail awaiting…

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February 11, 2014
Professor Emily Benfer, SALT Board Member Receives Inaugural Albert Schweitzer Leadership Award

HUGE congratulations to beloved law professor, mother, mentor, and SALT board member Emily Benfer, professor at Loyola University Chicago School of Law. Click here for the full announcement.  The award will be presented at the Jane Addams Hull-House Museum Thursday, February 27th.

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February 11, 2014
Calls for Papers / Conferences

Email Blake Johnson, to post conferences and papers. LAW STUDENT PAPERS: 2015 International Association of Judges Student Writing Competition Do you know someone who is excelling in law school? We’re looking for young advocates for the LGBT community who are interested in pursuing a career on the…

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January 16, 2014
NSA Metadata Collection: Fourth Amendment Violation

By Marjorie Cohn (Thomas Jefferson School of Law) Edward Snowden, who worked for the National Security Agency (NSA), revealed a secret order of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC), that requires Verizon to produce on an “ongoing daily basis … all call detail records or ‘telephony metadata’ created…

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January 10, 2014
Justice Scalia: Unlikely Gay-Rights Antihero

By Mitchell Silverman An antihero, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, is “One who is the opposite or reverse of a hero; esp. a chief character in a poem, play, or story who is totally unlike a conventional hero.” Since 2003, legal restrictions on gay rights have been falling like…

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December 7, 2013
More from the University of Puerto Rico School of Law

Long-time SALT member Margaret Montoya, Emeritus Professor at University of New Mexico and Senior Advisor to Executive Vice President for UNM Health Sciences Center speaks to the professionals gathered in concurrent programming, discussing the legal market, law schools, and the need for public interest attorneys and the students who can…

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December 7, 2013
SALT at University of Puerto Rico School of Law

Reporting in directly from the University of Puerto Rico, Escuela de Derecho, we are currently joining NEPOC and hosting a panel with Judge Jenny Rivera, Roberto Colon from the Hispanic National Bar Association, Rafael Cancel from the Nat’l Association of Environmental Law, Charles Hey-Maestre from Puerto Rico Legal Services, William…

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November 25, 2013
SALT Professor SpearIt Recognized for Report on Facts and Fictions about Islam in Prison

The Institute for Social Policy & Understanding recently recognized SpearIt (second from left) for the 2013 Report referenced by the Islamic Monthly (below). ARTICLE: The Waning Pulse of Islamic Radicalization in America If there’s a terrorist attack, you can bet that you’ll hear about it, whether from…

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November 18, 2013
Voices from the Drone Summit

By Marjorie Cohn Last weekend, I participated in a panel on the illegality of drones and targeted killing off the battlefield at the conference, “Drones Around the Globe: Proliferation and Resistance,” in Washington DC. Nearly 400 people from many countries came together to gather information, protest, and develop strategies to…

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November 14, 2013
NYC Bar Report: Task Force on New Lawyers in a Changing Profession

Today the NYC Bar Association issued its report on the changing times for the legal profession along with recommendations for easing new lawyers into practice, especially serving the moderate income client.  This is an important document, especially in light of the controversy within the ABA Council on Legal Education, so…

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November 5, 2013
2014 SALT Teaching Conference

Legal Education in a Time of Change: Challenges and Opportunities, Registration Open

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November 5, 2013

SALT turned 40 at NYU's Kimmel Center inspired with Holly Maguigan and Florence Roisman

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October 31, 2013
The Muslim Vote: Down by Law

 By SpearIt With election day around the corner, millions of Americans will be out voting; there will be races for governor, mayor, initiatives, and a variety of public offices. Many, however, will be denied this opportunity due to their criminal record. Increasingly, this is the case for Muslim-Americans.

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October 23, 2013
New Jersey Crosses the Finish Line to Marriage Equality – Maybe

By Marc Poirier, Seton Hall University School of Law Same-sex marriage became legal in New Jersey at 12:01 am on Monday, October 21. Wedding ceremonies are everywhere. The process may not be over, however; there are tactical decisions yet to be made as to how best to solidify and clarify…

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October 11, 2013
B.A. to J.D. Pipeline Program University of Houston Law Center, Success

A post from the program under way today by Professor Michael Olivas here in Houston, Texas. SALT President-Elect Olympia Duhart introduced this morning with Professor Olivas followed by the State of the Profession and Pipeline Programs with Professor Olivas and Kent Lollis from LSAC. We moved through panels on Post…

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October 7, 2013
City Lawyers: Trust Us, NYPD Surveillance Is Keeping You Alive

Great article involving SALT member Professor Franklin Siegel. City Lawyers: Trust Us, NYPD Surveillance Is Keeping You Alive   “If there are threats or leads to follow, then the NYPD’s job is to do it,” Mayor Bloomberg said. “The law is pretty clear about what’s the requirement, and…

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September 18, 2013
SALT Expresses Dismay Over Schuette Decision, April 22, 2014

Release Date:   April 22, 2014 SALT Expresses Dismay over Schuette decision The Society of American Law Teachers (SALT) expresses dismay at the United States Supreme Court’s decision April 22, 2014 in Schuette v. Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action.  SALT filed an amicus brief supporting the Respondents to the appeal from the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals,…

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September 18, 2013
Friend of the Court Brief Filed in Schuette Case

Special Thanks to Crowell & Moring, Pro Bono Counsel

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September 4, 2013
A Reflection on the Movie SALT OF THE EARTH

Salt of the Earth is a story about low wage labor, workers fighting for unions, women fighting for a place outside of the home and finding their political voice, and it’s about the 1950s racial hostility of Anglos toward Mexican-Americans.  Because these issues about work, gender, race and social power…

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August 31, 2013
An Obscene American Leadership Double Standard

By Benjamin G. Davis, Associate Professor of Law, University of Toledo College of Law Syria and chemical weapons killing by Assad of nearly 1500: “There must be accountability.” Bush torture and lying America into the War in Iraq with over 100 000 dead Iraqis, 4500 dead Americans and 30000…

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