Salt Blog

October 10, 2016
Members Approve 2017 Board Nominees

SALT members approved the slate of board nominees beginning terms on January 1, 2017, at the SALT Annual Member Meeting on September 30. New board members are Allyson Gold, Loyola Chicago; Vinay Harpalani, Savannah; Hugh Mundy, John Marshall, and Sean Scott, Loyola Los Angeles. Returning board members are Claudia Angelos,…

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October 10, 2016
SALT Names 2017 Great Teacher, Human Rights, and Lifetime Achievement Honorees

At its upcoming Annual Dinner to be held on January 6, 2017, in San Francisco, SALT will honor three champions of justice, diversity and teaching excellence.  The Great Teacher Award recognizes Professor Frank Askin of Rutgers Law School, a SALT founding member, for his longstanding, tireless defense of civil liberties and his work mentoring…

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September 20, 2016
SALT Honors 2016 Junior Faculty Teaching Award Winner

SALT proudly recognized Professor Vinay Harpalani as the 2016 Junior Faculty Teaching Award winner at its Teaching Conference reception on September 30.  The award recognizes an outstanding recent entrant into legal education who demonstrates a commitment to justice, equality and academic excellence. It is designed to honor an emerging teacher and support…

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September 20, 2016
Promoting Diversity in Law Teaching: Breaking in/Staying in Legal Academia

Event to be held on September 28, 2016, 2-7 p.m., at The John Marshall Law School in Chicago, Illinois.  Click here for event page. This is a program for anyone considering a position in law school teaching or administration. We welcome students thinking about a future career in…

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August 22, 2016
SALT Announces Nominees to Board of Governors Copy

SALT is proud to announce the following Nominees to the Board of Governors.  The Nominees will be presented as a slate at the Annual Members’ Meeting to be held at 6:15 p.m. on Friday, September 30, 2016, at The John Marshall Law School in Chicago, Illinois, in conjunction with…

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August 14, 2016
Vote in Election of 2017 Board Nominees

SALT is proud to announce the slate of nominees for election or re-election to the SALT Board of Governors for three-year terms beginning January 1, 2017.  The nominees will be presented  for consideration as a slate at the SALT Annual Member Meeting, to be held in conjunction with the 2016 SALT…

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July 12, 2016
Statement Against Racial Violence

The Society of American Law Teachers, Inc. (SALT) and Latino & Latina Critical Legal Theory, Inc. (LatCrit, Inc.) offer the statement posted below in the wake of the recent tragic events in Baton Rouge, St. Paul, and Dallas.  In light of the critical role legal educators play in seeking and securing…

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July 5, 2016
Call for 2017 Dinner Awards Nominations

CALL FOR NOMINATIONS FOR SALT 2017 GREAT TEACHER AWARD AND M. SHANARA GILBERT HUMAN RIGHTS AWARD  SALT holds an annual dinner each year during the January AALS meeting. Mark your calendars: This year the dinner will be on Friday, January 6, 2017, at a location TBA in San Francisco. A highlight…

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July 5, 2016
Call for Nominations for Junior Faculty Teaching Award

Pictured, 2015 Award winner Justin Hansford. The Society of American Law Teachers seeks nominations for the Junior Faculty Teaching Award, to be given in 2016 during the SALT Teaching Conference in Chicago on September 30-October 1. The award recognizes an outstanding recent entrant (seven years or fewer) into legal education who demonstrates a commitment…

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June 25, 2016
U.S. Supreme Court Sides with University (and SALT!) in Fisher v. Texas Decision Upholding Race-Conscious Admissions Policy

US Sup Ct Fisher Decision 6-23-16 SALT’s Amicus Brief in Fisher v. Texas The Society of American Law Teachers (SALT) has a deep and longstanding commitment to racial diversity and equity in higher education.  In one of its most recent efforts, SALT filed an amicus brief to the U.S.

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June 24, 2016
The Fishing Expedition is Over: Victory for Affirmative Action in Fisher v. Texas!

Vinay Harpalani, J.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor of Law Savannah Law School Thursday’s decision in Fisher v. Texas II came down exactly 13 years to the day after the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2003 ruling in Grutter v. Bollinger—which created the basic legal framework for affirmative action in university admissions.  And more…

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June 23, 2016
SALT Urges ABA Council to Address Unanswered Questions Before Revising Bar Passage Standard

SALT Comments on Proposed Standard 316 Revisions While the proposed standard’s simplicity has appeal, unanswered questions remain about how the standard will work, especially in view of the recent worrying declines in the rate of bar passage in many states and for many schools. We urge the Council…

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June 2, 2016
LWI Best Practices for Security of Position for 405(c) Faculty

SALT has repeatedly expressed its commitment to a policy of full citizenship for all law faculty. No justification exists for subordinating one group of law faculty to another based on the nature of the course, the subject matter, or the teaching matter. To the contrary, all full-time law faculty should…

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June 1, 2016
SALT Co-Sponsors B.A. to J.D. Pipeline Event with Elon Law

SALT promotes social justice in the teaching and practice of law, including pipeline work to support and encourage people of color and others from marginalized communities to enter law school, law practice and law teaching.  On April 9, 2016, SALT collaborated with students, faculty and staff at Elon University School…

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May 31, 2016
SALT Breaking-In Event For New Law Teachers at 2016 Annual SE/SW People of Color Legal Scholarship Conference

A SALT-sponsored pipeline (“breaking-in”) workshop for new law teachers was held on February 25, 2016, in conjunction with the 2016 Annual Southeast-Southwest People of Color Legal Scholarship Conference at Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University College of Law in Orlando, Florida from February 26 -27, 2016. The theme of this year’s…

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December 28, 2015
PARC Faculty Development Seminar

PARC is pleased to announce its seventh annual Faculty Development Seminar (FDS). This 12-day intensive travel seminar is for U.S. faculty members with a demonstrated interest in, but little travel experience to, Palestine. Professor from all fields of study are encouraged to apply. Applications are due January 11, 2016. For more details about…

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December 24, 2015
Teaching Opportunity at Port Au Prince, Haiti

Daly Quigley letter to American Law Professors (1) To: Law Professors Interested in International Social Justice From: Erin Daly, Widener University Delaware Law School, Bill Quigley, Loyola University New Orleans College of Law Dear Colleagues: We write to invite you to participate in an exciting experience — to share…

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December 24, 2015
Unwarranted Warrants in Baltimore

In this holy day season of Light, Hope, and “good will toward all humanity,” we join together to trumpet our support for the proposal put forth by Professor Doug Colbert’s University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law students in their op-ed piece in the Baltimore Sun (“Unwarranted Warrants…

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December 17, 2015

SALT Equalizer December 2015

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December 15, 2015
SALT Cover Workshop Explores Race Relations on Campus, Jan. 9 in NYC

Faiza Patel Co-Director of the Liberty & National Security Program Brennan Center   Amna A. Akbar Assistant Professor of Law Ohio State   Katherine Demby, 3L Yale Law School   Victor Goode Associate Professor of Law CUNY   Moderator: Steve Bender Associate Dean & Professor of Law, Seattle University  …

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