SALT Statement on Antiracism

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SALT Calls for Renewed Commitment to Build Anti-Racist Law Schools As It Speaks in Support of Black Law Students and Faculty

The Society of American Law Teachers (SALT) supports Black law students and faculty at law schools around the country.  The recent events at Georgetown University Law Center have again brought to light the invidious way that anti-Black racism exists in institutions of legal education. Such events are not new and are not surprising, given the persistent and well-documented bias against Black students, lawyers, and law professors. But prevalence does not make them less reprehensible.

Our approach to dismantling systemic racism in legal education is in dire need of innovation and transparent, meaningful action. All faculty and administrators, and particularly our White colleagues who have historically and systemically held the most power and privilege within our institutions, must do the work to hold each other accountable and institute anti-racist practices in teaching, curriculum and institutional culture. The kind of transformative change that SALT has worked toward for more than 40 years cannot happen without dedicated learning, resources, and an unwavering commitment to build antiracist law schools as an institutional priority.

Please join SALT at its upcoming webinar,  Can You See Me? Inclusive Practice for Entry into the Legal Profession, March 26, 2021, 3:00 – 4:15 PM ET.  Register Here.